Monday, August 8, 2011

Domino's Pizza Tracker

Has anyone out there ordered a pizza online?  Saturday was our first experience.  Honey wanted Domino's.  He said they're all about customer service these days, so we went online to see what kind of pizza we wanted.  I'm your basic pepperoni girl, and he'll try just about anything, so he ordered the Cali Chicken Bacon Ranch on thin crust. The highlight of our evening turned out to be the Domino's Tracker - this online application that tracks your order from the time it  is received at the store to the time it leaves to be delivered.

It actually told us at 8:47 p.m. Sean received our order.  It proceeded to tell us our order was being prepped and when it went into the oven.  At 9 p.m., the tracker said Peggy had left the store to deliver our pizza.  I said well, she'll be here in about 15 minutes, and at 9:15 we had our pizzas.  Honey, Bubba and I sat there glued to the computer screen watching the progress on our pizzas - our Saturday night entertainment  I guess.

I have to admit, it was pretty cool.  The pizza was good - especially that Cali Chicken Bacon Ranch, and you couldn't beat that quick service!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Countdown to Kindergarten

I still cannot believe Bubba is starting Kindergarten this fall.  Well, actually 3 weeks from today!  If you ask him what August 24th is, he says "back to school" as he raises those cute little eyebrows.  It's back to school for him because he's going to the same place where he attended preschool, so I think that's why he's excited. He's looking forward to seeing some familiar faces. He has officially started counting the days.  I have always loved the back to school time of year because all the stores had the cool school supplies on sale!  It's been a while since I've had to buy them for myself, so now I actually have someone to buy them for.  Here's Bubba's school's K-5 supply list:

  • NIV Bible
  • Scissors (Crayola, Fiskars - no cover)
  • Two large boxes of tissues to share
  • Two packages of wet-wipes to share
  • One container of hand sanitizer to share
  • Backpack or book bag (no rolling bags)
  • Kinder-mat no larger than 20' x 42'
  • Stitched composition book
  • 4 oz. bottle of Elmer's glue
  • Box of band aids to share

Ok, notice anything unusual about this list? There's not a pencil, crayon or marker to be found!  I thought that was extremely odd, especially since I had already started a school supply box for him a while back and had started filling it with pencils, crayons and markers!  My Mom has already told me to just wait until he comes home with another list of things he needs to have for the next day!

So, the day the list arrived in the mail, I went to Wal-Mart and got everything on the list, except for the book bag, which I'll let him pick out.  And, I already had a brand new, never used composition book, so I saved 40 cents - woo hoo.  I didn't bother waiting for the State Sales Tax Holiday since the only items on his list that would have been tax free were the scissors and glue. My only issue was with the Bible I picked out - the cover is plain - it doesn't actually say "Holy Bible."  I didn't have a whole lot to choose from either.  I was really hoping Bubba could use the Bible I had for Kindergarten, but it's the King James Version.

Bubba is pretty much set in the school uniform area as well.  He has a polo shirt in almost every color JCPenney had.  I got them for $8.00 each - woo hoo!  His Grammy scored a deal on khaki and navy pants and shorts at Belk.

Another cool thing about Bubba starting Kindergarten is that his teacher is the mother of a friend of mine from high school.  How cool is that?  We got a welcome letter in the mail from her last week.

I don't know if Momma is ready for this big step or not!  My baby is growing up too fast! What a new adventure it will be...

Monday, August 1, 2011

Surprising Saturday

I can't believe it's been a whole month since my last post! My friend Jamie over at Walkin' in High Cotton said I need to write if I want people to read!

I was pleasantly surprised when this past Saturday went mostly according to plan.  You see, usually I have grand ideas for what me and the family will accomplish on the weekends, but almost always something happens and the plans change.  First, we were excited to have Honey back home after a week away for work.  The trick was getting him rested up to participate in Saturday's fun family activities.  The first item on the agenda was to register Bubba for fall ball - T-ball (round two).  I was on the fence about registering him since his first season (this past spring), he had this take it or leave it attitude about the whole thing.  When he was playing he enjoyed it, but when he wasn't, he didn't seem to miss it.  But, when he pulled out his ball glove the other day and asked when he'd get to play T-ball again, I got my answer.

Bubba' first sports trophy - June 11, 2011

Next item on the agenda - take Bubba to see Cars 2 (finally!). We settled in with our popcorn, Skittles and soda just as the previews were wrapping up (whew!) and enjoyed the sequel's fast pace, the new characters and the occasional adult humor.  I doubt this sequel will enjoy the repeat play the original movie did from Bubba back when he was 1!

Bubba's Big Boy Room has a Cars theme. (2008)
After the movie we headed home to change into our bathing suits.  We had been invited by a family friend to come over for a dip in his pool.  Honey wants an in-ground pool in our backyard SO bad. Our friend's 3 and 1/2 year-old grandson Gavin was visiting for the weekend, so Bubba would have a friend to play with.  This would be our first opportunity for Bubba to show us what he's been learning during his swimming lessons at the Y too.  I intended to take my camera and walked right out the door without it.  I'm still kicking myself.

We probably spent 2 hours in the pool. At 89 degrees, the water was not as refreshing as we had hoped. At first it seemed Bubba was holding on to us for dear life, but he showed us how he could swim with a noodle and was doing great!  Thank goodness they're styrofoam because I think everyone got whacked in the head with it. Gavin and his Pop-Pop kept ducking underwater and eventually Bubba mustered up the courage to try.  That was huge for him since he doesn't like getting water in his face!  He went underwater a few times with his swim mask too. In the end, Bubba was jumping off the pool steps to us and loving it.  He didn't want to get out, but we were pickled...and hungry.

While my Mom, Bubba, Pop-Pop and Gavin went to our house for pizza and more playtime for the boys, Honey and I enjoyed dinner out.  Isn't it sad when you have the opportunity for a date night and you can't figure out where you want to eat? We ended up at Ruby Tuesday. He got steak.  I got shrimp.

Bubba and Gavin taking a spin in the Camaro on July 4th.
The boys were still playing when we got home.  I love that Bubba has a friend to play with.  They get along really well.  Bubba ended up spending the night at my Mom's (Grammy's) house.

I fell asleep as a thunderstorm approached.  What a perfect ending to a perfect day!