- NIV Bible
- Scissors (Crayola, Fiskars - no cover)
- Two large boxes of tissues to share
- Two packages of wet-wipes to share
- One container of hand sanitizer to share
- Backpack or book bag (no rolling bags)
- Kinder-mat no larger than 20' x 42'
- Stitched composition book
- 4 oz. bottle of Elmer's glue
- Box of band aids to share
Ok, notice anything unusual about this list? There's not a pencil, crayon or marker to be found! I thought that was extremely odd, especially since I had already started a school supply box for him a while back and had started filling it with pencils, crayons and markers! My Mom has already told me to just wait until he comes home with another list of things he needs to have for the next day!
So, the day the list arrived in the mail, I went to Wal-Mart and got everything on the list, except for the book bag, which I'll let him pick out. And, I already had a brand new, never used composition book, so I saved 40 cents - woo hoo. I didn't bother waiting for the State Sales Tax Holiday since the only items on his list that would have been tax free were the scissors and glue. My only issue was with the Bible I picked out - the cover is plain - it doesn't actually say "Holy Bible." I didn't have a whole lot to choose from either. I was really hoping Bubba could use the Bible I had for Kindergarten, but it's the King James Version.
Bubba is pretty much set in the school uniform area as well. He has a polo shirt in almost every color JCPenney had. I got them for $8.00 each - woo hoo! His Grammy scored a deal on khaki and navy pants and shorts at Belk.
Another cool thing about Bubba starting Kindergarten is that his teacher is the mother of a friend of mine from high school. How cool is that? We got a welcome letter in the mail from her last week.
I don't know if Momma is ready for this big step or not! My baby is growing up too fast! What a new adventure it will be...
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